The only way is SX watersports
This weekend we met Fransisco Goya, he was such an amazing, down to earth, funny guy, who was genuinly intrested in meeting everyone and helping everyone out! He even spent about 30minuetes teaching a learner how to water start. There's not many people that can say that they had a former world champion rig there kit up for them, but amazingly i expierenced that, when he rigged me the new bonzai 4 battern sail which was the lightest and most responsive sail me and lecky have ever tried. After a chat about maui and how his windsurfing career began me and lecky have decided that maui is the place that we most want to go! So now we have had Jason Polakow, Levi siver, and now Fransisco sailing on one of our local beaches, not bad for a estuary in the middle of essex.