Saturday, 19 May 2012

So we have just finished the first two BWA comps the first one was in Wales Rhosneigr it was a really good event and had some good condition on the Friday it was pretty small and NW so it was cross of so it was pretty fun and then on the sunday it was back to normal rozzy SW and got super windly by the end of the day with some good jumping but dident end up doing very good in the comp but it was really good whaching the final as they were doing some big jumps.

From rozzy we went stright to the ferry terminal and cough the half 2 ferry that morning from holy head to Dublin and then from there a 4 hour drive down to Brandon bay and straight on the water for an on shore jumping session at Mossie and then started the comp but ended up getting knocked out in the first round as jack hunt and Phil Horrocks was on fire. Ther has been some good fun surf around aswell so fingers crossed it keep on coming as i am staying out her now for the summer.

Thanks to Dave White for taking the pics