We found some old funny footage of our early years of windsurfing today so put a couple of clips together to form a short little vid..so check this out...

Saturday, 27 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
i have now got a new sponcer for sails im on simmer sails i havent had a chance to used them yet because there been now wind but they look soo cool and look like there going to fell really nice out on the water. i have got a 5.3 icon and a 4.7 and a 3.7 right and will be getting the other soon. i am getting the sails of out local shop http://www.sxwatersport.co.uk/ and farrle from http://www.simmersails.co.uk/.
so hope ful i will be able to get out on the water this week end and try them out :)

so hope ful i will be able to get out on the water this week end and try them out :)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010
so this weekend i went up to south west wales for the BWA Welsh competition The forecast was looking really good so everyone was really up for it when we got up in the morning there was about 10 mph of wind and a 4 foot mush swell and bang on shore. we went to breathing
at half 8 and they said when the tide drops the waves will get better and the wind should be picking up and said they are going to do an expression session to see what everyone can do. I went out on my 5.7 and 105lit and dident get planing so just tricked around really and then after the expression they call it off untill 12 and by then the wind had drop even more so me and tom Bennett went out for a surf and got a couple of nice waves and then dad come out and joined us and after that we pack everything up and we went around to new gale for another surf. me and tom went out and we spent a couple of hour packing so it was a bit rubbish but still nice to get out there. The next day there was no wind but a bit of swell left so we had a little prize giving at at the cafe and i ended up winning the amateurs and won a harness so was pretty happy and then after that we went back round to new gale and had a good surf they are going to hold the event again on the next good forecast so hope full i can make that too. and that fro jim from pura vida and buck and luise
at half 8 and they said when the tide drops the waves will get better and the wind should be picking up and said they are going to do an expression session to see what everyone can do. I went out on my 5.7 and 105lit and dident get planing so just tricked around really and then after the expression they call it off untill 12 and by then the wind had drop even more so me and tom Bennett went out for a surf and got a couple of nice waves and then dad come out and joined us and after that we pack everything up and we went around to new gale for another surf. me and tom went out and we spent a couple of hour packing so it was a bit rubbish but still nice to get out there. The next day there was no wind but a bit of swell left so we had a little prize giving at at the cafe and i ended up winning the amateurs and won a harness so was pretty happy and then after that we went back round to new gale and had a good surf they are going to hold the event again on the next good forecast so hope full i can make that too. and that fro jim from pura vida and buck and luise
Monday, 1 November 2010
so i have been down to conwall for the BWA wave computition at gwithans and we had some amazing condition. so i went down there with chris from http://www.sxwatersports.co.uk/ and nathan come down the next day. on the first day we sailed it was like mast hight to mast and a half i was on a 3.7 and 68lit and chris was on a 4.2 we whach steve thope for a while and he was sailing amazing caching some massive waves and getting some big airels. we hated to wait for a bit for the tid to go out so we could rig up and it was one of the best sails i have had this year and i had a couple of good swims and the after a couple of hour the wiind went on shor and drop a bit so we pack up and went down to the bluff and by the time we gt on the water there there was no wind. the next day was the first day of compution and there went much wind but the waves were there still but quit a bit smaller but it was pretty clean i was on a 5m and my 84lit it was the first day of compution for the youth and master and the ladies and amerter and i was in the youth so i was in the first heat and because the went lods of youth there was only 1 heat for us and then we could free sali for the rest of the day. after sailing most of the day the wind started to drop of so i went out for a surf it was pretty good i went out with nathan and duncan comes son jack who was 10 and was caching some pretty big waves and ripping them up so that was cool to see. the next day was prize giving and i end up winning the youth over all this year with gorge from the island of weight coming secon so were had a great time this weekend and had some great condition. 

Monday, 25 October 2010
So yesterday we went down to great yarmouth.. On the way down we stopped for petrol when we was half way there and as dad went in to pay for the petrol he realised he forgot the wallet and left it sitting beside his bed at home so he haveted to call mum and get her to pay over the phone so clever daddy gave all his card detials out to the whole of great yarmouth nice one..so once we had sorted the 1st dilema out of the day we got back in the car and continued realising that we had no money to get food or anything all day exept one pound! so we carried on driving for a while then checked out scratby it was looking well good when we 1st got down there but lex+dad wanted to go check out californias first but it wasent looking that great there so we headed back to scratby and took max for a walk and all decided that it wasent looking great and was all freezing and starving so as we went back to the car a rossis ice cream van decided to park itself next to us,tempting! haha! we carried on driving round trying to find surf, we went to check out a windsurfing break (without any kit!) and i fell off the wall into dogs poo, Nice one Megan! so we decided to start heading back through the strange dead end roads, then we finally found a cool spot called Lowersoft, by this time it was about 5 o clock, so we was all getting very hungry by now and just our luck there was a KFC+fish and chips to the left of us and two the right we had a MC DONALDS so we had amazing smeelllss heading our wayyy! but we all decided to go get wet considering dad drove around for about 5 houres (mise as well gone scotland or somewhere!!) i got freezing within the 1st 10 minss so i got out and took pictures of the boys instead! Turns out the boys said it was one of the best surfs they've had in our part of the country so the day ended on a high note after all! so we all rushed home to a nice roast dinner 'NOICEEEE'!
So below we have aleksy's amazing photography of moving cars! he diddnt quite understand that your not meant to follow the car when taking the pic!

So below we have aleksy's amazing photography of moving cars! he diddnt quite understand that your not meant to follow the car when taking the pic!
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
so went down to st mary bay today with megan dad and chris and mike from http://www.sxwatersports.co.uk/ and sam and pete darkink. so when we first got down there it was raining and there was no wind and no waves so we wated there for about half an hour and the sun came out and the wind started to kick in so i went out on a 5m and 105 and then after a while it got to much for that so i put the 84 lit on and that was a lot better everyone was ripping and the the wind was there and the waves were there so it turned out to be a pretty good day.

Megan:'Today we went down to St Mary's bay with Dad,Lex,Nathen, chris+mike from sx, Emma,Sam+Pete darkin..Was a really fun session despite the fact dad forced me to wear an ORANGE HELMET..! Was about 25mph with windy gusts, was on 4,1 and 85l until dad came and stole it off me: then went on to 77l..haha! Was great for jumping, and riding. Was also sunny with a rainbow so RESULT!:)
Keep checking out My Dad's blog for recent paintings and updates and feel free to email him for any questions or queries..hes made our dream come true, we owe him and mum alot!
The Daddy Forward!
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
right so yestday i was working with my uncle in dagneham doing building and on the way home dad called and said the is a bit of wind down the point at canvey we sailed with duncan from boardseekers and steve and dad i was on a 5m and a 84 twin fin it was really up and down and was swinging off shor some times but great getting out on the water and it is still pretyty warm so it all good i thenk im going conwal in a couple of week with chris from sx water sports for the computitin so should be good.

Monday, 4 October 2010
so sunday we went down to st marys bay with nath megan and dad i was on a 5m and a 84 lit twinfin i was powed up all day some times over powed it was about 3 to 4 foot and swinging cross off some times. Went for some stalled forwards and back loop and wave riding it raind all day and then when we went to pack up it pord down :( so we haded to go to the toilet to get changed but it was a great day and look like there a ok forcat for next week end so i will hopeful get out nex week end.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
'Megan':Right so went to st mary's bay today, was about 20-25mph, was on 4.1 and 77l, bit over powered, but still great fun! Was practising getting higher on jumps, Dad gota few pics, but was very hard considering it was pouring down with very wet and heavy rain, and he was sitting underneath the sail haha! Great day tho, can't wait to go again! Conditions looking good for next week, so fingers crossed it stays!:)
Sunday, 26 September 2010
so yestday me and dad when to east runton for a sail there was a good forcast for that day it was saying 30mph and 10 to 11 foot waves so it was looking pretty good i was on a 3.4 and 68lit and a bit over powed and everyong else was on 3.7 and over powed. it was cross shor at the beginning so it was really good for getting a turn on the waves and it was pretty good for jumping. then when tom bennet turned up it went bang on shor and it was highter tide bey then so the was a massiv wind shadow and a massive shor dump i mannage to get out a couple of times but then i the lost my wind in front of a big set and got taken down and washed all the way down wind and had to walk all the way back up the beach but all in all it was a good day cant wait for the next day down there. 

Wednesday, 15 September 2010
right so have just got in from a really good freestyle sesion at canvey was on a 5m goya w3d and a 84 lit quatro tempo was sailing with dad and we sail a cross too kent were we saw a lod of sils on the mud bank and they started to get a bit angree when we trund up so we desid to go haha. the forcast is looking ok for tomorrow so hope for the same again :P
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