so i have been down to conwall for the BWA wave computition at gwithans and we had some amazing condition. so i went down there with chris from and nathan come down the next day. on the first day we sailed it was like mast hight to mast and a half i was on a 3.7 and 68lit and chris was on a 4.2 we whach steve thope for a while and he was sailing amazing caching some massive waves and getting some big airels. we hated to wait for a bit for the tid to go out so we could rig up and it was one of the best sails i have had this year and i had a couple of good swims and the after a couple of hour the wiind went on shor and drop a bit so we pack up and went down to the bluff and by the time we gt on the water there there was no wind. the next day was the first day of compution and there went much wind but the waves were there still but quit a bit smaller but it was pretty clean i was on a 5m and my 84lit it was the first day of compution for the youth and master and the ladies and amerter and i was in the youth so i was in the first heat and because the went lods of youth there was only 1 heat for us and then we could free sali for the rest of the day. after sailing most of the day the wind started to drop of so i went out for a surf it was pretty good i went out with nathan and duncan comes son jack who was 10 and was caching some pretty big waves and ripping them up so that was cool to see. the next day was prize giving and i end up winning the youth over all this year with gorge from the island of weight coming secon so were had a great time this weekend and had some great condition. 

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