Megan- We have just got back from rosniger BWA comp, it was my first time entering, we went down on the friday night and got to do dry slope snowboarding which wasent the best thing to do before first competition, seeing as the last time i done it i broke my arm but this time diddn't get to damaged.. On the saturday there wasn't much wind so we went for a surf round the corner to rosniger but then headed back for breefing and still wasen't enough wind to run the comp so we went out long boarding at rosniger which was so much fun, only little waves but was very gentle and clean and caught my first green head high wave which was such a good feeling, then during saturday night in the tent we was woken up by hammering rain on our tent roof which was deathening especially for max our dog who ended upunder the sleeping bag with his head musseled in dads pillow! Then on Sunday therewas more wind and some little waves in the bay which was good fun, done a couple of jumps and front side wave riding, but unfortuantly diddn't get as much done in my heat as i hoped i would, it was 12 min heats which flew by on the water, then the comp got posponed on leckys heat as the wind dropped but we went out free sailing and then the wind started to pick up but unfortuantly i got stuck in the rip on the inside for about an hour so by the time i got in was to knackered to go out and finish my other two heats, so left with coming 3rd! But overall it was a great weekend getting to sail with women in my heat which i dont get to do often. Just can't wait to do my next comp at gwithians in october!

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